DUKPT Explained with examples

Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) process that’s described in Annex A of ANS X9.24-2004.

It’s generally considered to be complex, but I’ve simplified it slightly with the help of online resources.

Key Management

Here’s a basic outline of the technique:

  1. You’re given a Base Derivation Key (BDK), which you assign to a swiper (note that the same BDK can be assigned to multiple swipers).
  2. You’ll use the BDK along with the device’s own unique Key Serial Number (KSN) to generate an Initial PIN Encryption Key (IPEK) for the device.
  3. You’ll assign this IPEK to a swiper, which uses it to irreversibly generate a list of future keys, which it’ll use to encrypt its messages.
  4. The swiper’s KSN is used along with one of its future keys to encrypt a message, and after each swipe it’ll increment the value of its KSN.
  5. Whenever a swiper takes a card it formats the card’s information into a series of tracks, each track having a particular set of information (e.g. card number, holder’s name, expiration date).
  6. The swiper usually encrypts these tracks using one of its generated future keys (called the “Session Key”) along with its current KSN. It’ll then increment the value of its KSN and discard the future key it used.
  7. At this point you’ll probably have an encrypted track along with the KSN the swiper used to encrypt it.
  8. It’s your responsibility to determine what BDK was used to initialize this device, and from there you’ll use the BDK and KSN to rederive the IPEK, which is used to rederive the Session Key, which is finally used to decrypt the message.

There’s a lot of technical information to be said about key management, but this isn’t the place for that. In some cases your provider/manufacturer (e.g. MagTek) will supply you with swipers that need to be initialized with an IPEK, and your supplier will usually have a manual that walks you through that process. If you’re doing encryption/decryption through a third party who also supplies swipers, they may have already loaded the devices with that information; what’s more is they may not even given you the BDK that belongs to your device in order to reduce the risk of security threats.

Note: Key management is beyond the scope of this explanation. Whatever you do with your keys, just make sure it’s secure.

One methodology I’ve seen that’ll allow you to associate a particular KSN to a BDK is to take the current KSN you’ve been given, mask it to retrieve the Initial Key Serial Number (IKSN), and look up the BDK in a table that maps IKSNs to BDKs:


ksn = FFFF9876543210E00008
iksn = ksn & FFFFFFFFFFFFFFE00000 // FFFF9876543210E00000

You’d then have a table that looks like:

0xFFFF9876543210E00000 0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210

From which you could easily grab the BDK 0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210.


Note: Assume that all numeric values are hexadecimal numbers, or the representation of a sequence of bytes as a hexadecimal number.

The following are the BDK, KSN, and encrypted track message (cryptogram) we’ve been given:

bdk = 0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210
ksn = FFFF9876543210E00008
cryptogram = C25C1D1197D31CAA87285D59A892047426D9182EC11353C051ADD6D0F072A6CB3436560B3071FC1FD11D9F7E74886742D9BEE0CFD1EA1064C213BB55278B2F12

Here’s an example of the unencrypted track 1 data (cryptogram above), and below that is its value in hex; this is what we’ll get after successfully decrypting the cryptogram:

%B5452300551227189^HOGAN/PAUL      ^08043210000000725000000?

Note: As you’re probably already aware, this algorithm is best described using big numbers, which can’t be represented as literals in some programming languages (like Java or C#). However, many languages have classes that allow you to represent big numbers in other ways (e.g., java.math.BigInteger, System.Numerics.BigInteger). It’s your job to adapt this algorithm so that it can be represented in your language of choice. Two small problems I encountered were ensuring the correct endianness and signedness were being used (this algorithm requires the byte order to be big endian and that unsigned integers are used). I made a utility class called BigInt to do this for me.

First, let’s define a few standard functions:

  • DES and Triple DES refer to their respective cryptographic algorithms. Most programming languages have access to some implementation of these ciphers either through OpenSSL or Bouncy Castle. These ciphers are initialized with a zeroed out IV of 8 bytes, they’re zero-padded, and use Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC). Let’s define the signatures for these standard functions that’ll be used throughout this algorithm:
    • DesEncrypt(key, message) -> returns cryptogram
    • DesDecrypt(key, cryptogram) -> returns message
    • TripleDesEncrypt(key, message) -> returns cryptogram
    • TripleDesDecrypt(key, cryptogram) -> returns message

First we must create the IPEK given then KSN and BDK:

CreateIpek(ksn, bdk) {
    return TripleDesEncrypt(bdk, (ksn & KsnMask) >> 16) << 64 
         | TripleDesEncrypt(bdk ^ KeyMask, (ksn & KsnMask) >> 16)

Now we can get the IPEK:

ipek = CreateIpek(ksn, bdk)
     = CreateIpek(FFFF9876543210E00008, 0123456789ABCDEFFEDCBA9876543210)
     = 6AC292FAA1315B4D858AB3A3D7D5933A

After that we need a way to get the Session Key (this one is more complicated):

CreateSessionKey(ipek, ksn) {
    return DeriveKey(ipek, ksn) ^ FF00000000000000FF

The DeriveKey method finds the IKSN and generates session keys until it gets to the one that corresponds to the current KSN. We define this method as:

DeriveKey(ipek, ksn) {
    ksnReg = ksn & FFFFFFFFFFE00000
    curKey = ipek
    for (shiftReg = 0x100000; shiftReg > 0; shiftReg >>= 1)
        if ((shiftReg & ksn & 1FFFFF) > 0)
            curKey = GenerateKey(curKey, ksnReg |= shiftReg)
    return curKey

Where the GenerateKey method looks like:

GenerateKey(key, ksn) {
    return EncryptRegister(key ^ KeyMask, ksn) << 64 
         | EncryptRegister(key, ksn)

And EncryptRegister looks like:

EncryptRegister(key, reg) {
    return (key & FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) ^ DesEncrypt((key & FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000000000000000) >> 64, 
                                                  key & FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ^ reg)

Then you can generate the Session Key given the IPEK and KSN:

key = CreateSessionKey(ipek, ksn)
    = CreateSessionKey(6AC292FAA1315B4D858AB3A3D7D5933A, FFFF9876543210E00008)
    = 27F66D5244FF621EAA6F6120EDEB427F

Which can be used to decrypt the cryptogram:

message = TripleDesDecrypt(key, cryptogram)
        = TripleDesDecrypt(27F66D5244FF621EAA6F6120EDEB427F, C25C1D1197D31CAA87285D59A892047426D9182EC11353C051ADD6D0F072A6CB3436560B3071FC1FD11D9F7E74886742D9BEE0CFD1EA1064C213BB55278B2F12)
        = 2542353435323330303535313232373138395E484F47414E2F5041554C2020202020205E30383034333231303030303030303732353030303030303F00000000
        = %B5452300551227189^HOGAN/PAUL      ^08043210000000725000000?

That’s it, you’re done!

Doing PIN Translation with DUKPT

On PIN-enabled Debit/EBT transactions sent in from an acquirer’s point-of-sale location, your payment switch application must perform a PIN translation, typically transforming an incoming DUKPT PIN block from the POS device-initiated request into a outgoing Triple DES-encrypted PIN block that makes use of an established Zone PIN Key (“ZPK”) which would have been previously established via a dynamic key exchange with your Debit/EBT gateway provider.

[The remainder of this example assumes you’re using a Thales (formerly Racal) Hardware Security Module (“HSM”)….] Using strict Thales parlance, this variant of a PIN translation request is a request to “translate a PIN from *BDK encryption to interchange key encryption.”  This topic is covered in Section 27.2 (page 2-185) of the Thales reference document entitled “Host Security Module RG7000 Programmer’s Manual” (Thales reference number 1270A514 Issue 5). The CI/CJ exchange should be handled as follows: — CI — Message header – You can use as you see fit. Value is echoed back in CJ.  Note that the length is constant and must be configured in HSM by administrator. Command code – CI BDK – The Base Derivation Key “in play” for this transaction.  In my installations we’ve set this up as follows…

  • Selected the “1A + 32H” option, where the ‘1A’ value should be set to ‘U’
  • Configured such that the first six positions of the KSN represent the “key name” of the BDK injected into the PIN Pad at the transaction origination point (an acquirer can use a number of BDKs in their terminal population).

ZPK – Your current ZPK Cryptogram (obtained dynamically via a key exchange with your Debit/EBT  gateway partner) and stored under your Local Master Key (“LMK”).  In my installations, we’ve used the “1A + 32H” option, where the ‘1A’ value should be set to ‘U’. KSN Descriptor – This value is a bit esoteric and refers directly to the make-up of the KSN which follows.  So to understand the descriptor, it’s first necessary to talk a bit about the KSN (the next field in the CI command layout).  Here’s a typical KSN implementation where the acquirer has chosen a 16-position scheme:

  • Positions 1 – 6: The name of the BDK injected into this device
  • Positions 7 – 11:  The device ID
  • Positions 12 – 16: The transaction counter

[Note that the KSN implementation has to be in synch between the PIN pad and your host-side implementations in order for this to work.] The ‘rules’ for a KSN construction are as follows (reading from left to right in the KSN): a. The ‘base derivation key identifier,’ which is mandatory and five to nine (Hex) positions in length. b. A ‘sub-key identifier,’ which Thales says is ‘optional’ but in practice is ‘reserved for future use’ (and therefore always set to zero). c. A ‘device identifier’ (mandatory), which is two to five Hex digits in length. d. A ‘transaction counter’ (mandatory) which essentially is the part “left over”. So, in the example here, the client with a 6, 0, 5, 5 implementation. With this information in hand, the KSN Descriptor (a three-position value) is better described as XYZ, where: X = base derivation key identifier length Y = sub-key identifier key length (will be zero) Z = device identifier length So, in this context, the ‘605’ submitted in my example is better visualized. ‘605’ says that the 16-digit KSN consists of a 6-position BDK ID, a 0-position sub-key, a 5-position device ID, **AND** (what’s remaining basically) a 5-position transaction counter. [NOTE: Remember that this post applies *specifically* to the Thales/RACAL implementation of PIN translation] Now, with this informatation in hand, we can introduce the next field, the KSN itself… KSN – Using the layout from the descriptor, a typical KSN at this acquirer might be 123456000A8001D4 where: ‘123456’ is the BDK indentifier; ‘000A8’ is the Device ID; and ‘001D4’ is the transaction counter. The BDK name embedded in a particular KSN string must find a match within your BDK cryptogram list (which you need to keep loaded into your payment switch’s encryption database).  If a match is not found in the encryption database, then set your Internal Result Code to “Invalid BDK” and end the transaction.  If found, the value you retrieve goes into the BDK field (as described above). Source encrypted block – The PIN block plucked from the POS device request (this is a 16H value; no ‘1A’ indicator is required). Destination PIN block – In my installations, we typically use ANSI format, so we set this to ‘01’ to signify ANSI format code Account Number – Right-most 12 positions of the PAN excluding the check digit Typically, that is the END of the required CI request message (remainder of the fields in the Thales spec are not mandatory). — CJ — Message header – Echoed back from CI usage. Response code – CJ Error Code – Only ‘00’ should be accepted as an exchange that “worked.” PIN length – Although this field is not used to build the 0200 message formatted for your Debit/EBT gateway, a value like ‘04’ or ‘05’ here are a pretty good indication that the translation occurred successfully. Encrypted PIN – The PIN block that will be used to build the 0200 message formatted for your Debit/EBT gateway (this is a 16H value; no ‘1A’ indicator is required). Destination PIN block – Echoed back from the device as ’01’ format code Typically, that is the END of the response message (remainder of list in the vendor spec would only be present if they were provided in the CI command request)